Starting at a community college will allow you the opportunity to get a handle on your own pace of academic study not to mention you will save a lot of money!
One of the most beneficial ways to get off to a great start to college is to do the required 30 hours and we can assist you with the transfer process to the next level of your education at a four year college.
TODAY over 230,000 students attend one of 107 HBCU'S. Historically HBCU'S have been the producer of the nation's African American teachers (50%)and 70% of dentists and physicians. We are your civil rights leaders, your vice-president of the country, movie producers,neighbors, friends and family!
Havard University(#1) , Princeton University (#2), Yale University (#3), Columbia University (#4), University of Pennsylvania (#5),
Cornell University (#6), Brown University (#7) and
Dartmouth College (#8).
Ivy League schools are considered the most sought-after institutions of higher learning in the country and around the world. Did you know that many of us now offer FREE tuition to qualified students?
Contact the representatives at CPTS to learn more.
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