College Planning TODAY Services



8.   I the undersigned, by my signature or check in the box set forth hereafter: 

AGREE to the following

(a) To all statements and answers in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that this is not a State plan, Securities plan or Insurance plan. 

(b) Except as stated, no benefits will take place unless the first full mode contribution is paid, and contract is delivered to owner or upon request (if 18 or over 18) the student. 

(c) No college planning services (CPTS) associate has the authority to waive any answers or otherwise modify this application to bind college planning services, hereinafter called "Company", in any way by making promise or representation which is not set out in writing in this application.

(d) Representatives of this company do not have the authority to promise scholarships or number of scholarships.  These are done at the company level, and they are based on many factors that the applicant may or may not qualify. 

(e)  $_________ has been given to the associate whose name appears below as payment of the first mode of contribution on this program contract applied for, and terms of the Receipt bearing the same number as this application are accepted by the Contract Owner. 

9. I AUTHORIZE , as part of the College Planning TODAY Services, the permission of their associate to talk with the teachers, guidance counselors, and other relative staff of my child's School. This will only be for the purposes and nature of preparing my child for college. Do you permit College Planning TODAY Services to go into your child's school on behalf of your child? Yes or No

NOTE: Any person who knowingly presents false or fraudulent claim for payment of a loss or benefit or knowingly presents false information in an application for funding is guilty of a crime and may be subject to fines, confinement in prison, and denial of college planning benefits.